844-BIG-Z-FAB (244-9322)

Personal Heating/Cooling Pad

Skill Level: Beginner
Time (approximately): 1 hour

Cotton Heating Cooling Pad
Cotton Heating Cooling Pad

Do you suffer from hot flashes? Cold flashes? Headaches? Before you reach for those pain pills, why don’t you try a personal heating/cooling pad? Just pop it in the microwave or freezer to use on headaches, sunburns, and even cold nights. These little gems are simple and quick to make. With just a little fabric and some rice, you have a home remedy for a diverse set of aliments.

• Fabric (cotton)
• Needle
• Thread
• Scissors
• Rice, plain/uncooked (not pictured)
• Funnel (not pictured)
• Ruler/measuring tape
• Accessory/accent items
• Sewing machine (not pictured)
• Essential oils (not pictured)

Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 1
Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 1

• You should begin by choosing the fabric(s) you want to use. You can also use ribbons and other fabrics to create a uniquely designed pad.
• Now decide on the size that you want the final product to be. I wanted mine to be about 3 by 4 inches as this is a nice size for a hand warmer.

Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 2
Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 2

o If you want to make a pad to use for headaches, you may want to shot for 3 by 12 inches.
• You should cut the fabric about an inch longer and an inch wider than your chosen size.
• You then cut out two pieces of fabric, each at this size. For example, I had two pieces of fabric each measuring 4 by 5 inches. This measurement is per piece NOT a combined total.
• Now, place the two pieces of fabric together with the fabric patterns (aka the pretty side) facing each other so that the material is wrong-side out.

Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 3
Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 3

• If you are sewing by hand, you should thread your needle and place 2 to 3 knots at the end of one side of the thread. Then, begin sewing the two pieces of material together around the outer edges.
o (IMPORTANT) Leave a small section (about an inch) of the pieces unsewn. Later you will flip your pad right-side out by pushing the fabric though this hole.
• Once you have finished sewing the perimeter, secure your thread with a few knots and cut off any excess thread.
• Now flip the fabric right-side out by pulling it through the hole that you left unsewn.
• Insert your funnel into the hole and fill the pad about 2/3rds of the way full with uncooked, plain white rice (do not use minute rice, just plain rice).
o You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the rice.
• Now that the bag has been filled, sew the opening closed (I like to use a hidden stitch). Cut off any excess thread and TA-DAH, you have yourself a personal heating/cooling pad.

Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 4
Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 4

• Pop it in the microwave for 10 second intervals until it reaches the desired temperature (DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED) or place it in the freezer for 30+ minutes. This simple, inexpensive craft is perfect for soothing various aches, pains, and discomforts.
o If placing in the microwave, be aware that the pad gets VERY HOT VERY FAST. So, please be careful when using it, and always supervise your children when they use this item.

Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 6
Cotton Heating Cooling Pad 6

Buy the perfect cotton fabric for your cooling/heading pad from our wide selection of cotton and polycotton prints at Big Z Fabric. Click below to browse our vast collection.

Browse Collection >> Cotton Fabric

Browse Collection >> Polycotton Fabric


3400 Slauson Ave Unit A,
Maywood CA 90270

213-745-BIGZ (2449)

844-BIG-Z-FAB (244-9322)

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